The Ridgeway C.E. Primary School


Throughout the year the governors of the school monitor and evaluate all areas of education to ensure pupils have the resources needed to achieve their targets.  

Governors also prioritise certain areas identified as needing more immediate focus to ensure high standards are maintained.  Should you need to contact the governors, you can do so through the office by either sending an email or written letter (see contacts).

Co-Chair Sue Worth - (LA Governor/Safeguarding/Pupil Experience Committee/Collective Worship/RE/PSHCE/Music) 

Co-Chair Kris Dower (Parent Governor/Resource Committee/H&S Governor/English/Art/DT/Early Years) 

Headteacher Felicity Blockley (Resource committee/Pupil Experience Committee) 

Parent Governor Michelle Dobson (Resource Committee/Pupil Premium/Sports Premium/Science/PE/Computing)

Parent Governor Sarah Gibbard (Resource Committee/Pupil Experience Committee/ SEND/Maths/History/Geography/French)

Co-opted Governor James Browning (Resource Committee) 

Co-opted Governor: Vacant

Foundation Governor Rev. Ness Brunner-Ellis (Resource committee) 

Foundation Governor: Vacant

Staff Governor Simon Burchill (Pupil Experience Committee)