The Ridgeway C.E. Primary School


Online learning provides our children with a range of experience and knowledge which is both exciting and fundamental to their greater understanding of the world we live in.

However, we also recognise that as a school we have a huge responsibility to ensure that our children are able to access the myriad of technologies appropriately and safely. As such e-Safety is taught both discreetly (within computing lessons) and as an embedded element of our curriculum (for example exploring cyberbullying as part of our Jigsaw curriculum). We also have focused assemblies and workshops through-out the year.

We follow guidance set by the DfE, Oxfordshire LA, CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) and Think u Know, which is run by CEOP and is a resource for teachers, parents and children.

We understand the important role we have as a school in keeping our children safe but recognise that we do this in partnership with our parents and the wider community. As such we have included links below to a number or resources which you may find useful in supporting your child, in the digital age.

Our own E-policy is also accessible through the link below:

Online Safety and Acceptable Use Policy


Other Useful Links:

UK Safer Internet Centre

NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online



Useful Resources:


